Friday, January 30, 2009

My Favorites

These last ones aren't in order. They are just ones I liked the most and the five I chose to show in class. They still aren't spectacular, but I like them and hope you've enjoyed watching me learn...because, well, I'm sure there will be many more posts like these last few in the weeks to come!!! ;-)

I like how the toy is in focus instead of the kids, just wish I would have stood a foot to the right so the picture would have been more balanced.

One of Ethan's favorite pastimes.

There is something in her stance that makes this one stand out for me more than the one I posted the other day.

This one cracks me up! If I would have stood up so she was "lower" in the picture, I would have used it to show for sure! I love her expression, and Ethan's movement that parallels the lines in the play equipment.

I just love her!
She still looks so young and innocent, but growing and learning every day!

Queen of the snow pile!

Something peaceful about this one. All the dull lines the trees make, with little pops of color from the bird houses and lamp. The curve of the path and the kids walking really gives it something I think.

There is a lot I could say about this picture (that I will try to say in class), but to sum it up, I like the lines and colors. :-)

This one was fun. He had his MP3 player on, so didn't really care what I was doing! Legos and music = good times! This was one of the last of about 15 I took like this. It just fit well with how things were laid out and what was in...and not in...the frame.

And my favorite. I don't know what it is about this picture, but I love it!

I'll try not to bore you all too much with my "class pictures"...but if I want to keep posting every day, I'm afraid this is what you'll get!

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