Monday, January 19, 2009

Kids Pix -- Part 2

These pictures were all taken closer to Christmas.

I took this pic. I don't remember what we were talking about, but she was very serious about it!

Ethan, Natalie, and her friend being silly!

Nikole and Maggie.

Me picking off dog hair from Nikole's stuffed animal (they don't have pets...and no matter how much I vacuum, hair tends to get on things!).

Ethan playing with Maggie. I'm not sure why she's sniffing his leg...I think he had a toy behind his back or something.

Our frog sculpture.

Ethan hiding from Natalie and her camera!

Proof of Maggie's "accident"!!!

Pictures Ethan made.

Natalie's messy floor!

The Christmas countdown tree.

And the snowman.

Natalie's Christmas tree in her room.

A snowy backyard.

Maggie and Me falling asleep on the couch.

More tomorrow!!! :-)

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Too funny. Kids and their pictures, so unique. This makes me want to let Q-tip free with my camera here to see what he comes back with.