Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Few More Gifts

Because of the unusual amount of snow in Washington, the post wasn't able to get one of our Christmas boxes here on time. That's alright! The kids didn't mind opening more gifts a few days late!

Nat pretending to be annoyed with Roby. She was cracking up after I took the picture!

Trying to figure out how to get it open.

Ooooo Lots to color!!!

Very happy with all the colors!!!
(I usually only get her 8-10 colors in a pack!)

A pretty necklace!!!
She LOVES jewelry!

Ethan's turn!

A treasure chest full of gems!

Roby had to check out the treasure too! :-)

Can't go wrong with Legos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the gifts finally arrived and the kids like them. We received the thank-you notes...very sweet. Gigi asked if the kids received their money? She LOVED the picture Ethan made for her.