Saturday, January 10, 2009

Easy Bake Fun!

On Monday we finally got everything ready to use Natalie's Easy Bake Oven! We had to find a clear 100 watt light bulb...I was surprised at how difficult this was! Everything was "soft white" or something similar!

Breaking up the cake mix so it will mix easier.

Adding the water.

So excited!!!

Mixing and Ethan watching.

Pouring it in the pan.

(I had to help a bit with this, but she did most of it!)

Putting it in the oven!

Trying to get it all the way in.

Using the other end to push it in the "baking" area.

Trying to see it bake!

After the cake baked for 14 minutes, it needed to cool for another 10. While we waited, Natalie mixed up the chocolate frosting.

Ready to get the cake out!

I helped her get the cake out of the pan (lets just say the cake wasn't exactly soft).
Then it was time to frost!

Getting ready to take a bite!

"Its soooo good!"

"Yeah, that is totally good!"
(I love her face!)

I'd say that that is a face of bliss! :-)

(I'm in month three of posting every day. I usually have one ready to post...but have been doing other things lately! I'm pushing it today...I have it done with only 25 minutes left of the day!)

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Easy bake yummyness. Good stuff!