To make things easier when I post, I have a folder, in my pictures folder, just for pics I'm going to use on this blog. I will edit and resize them in Photoshop, then transfer them there. I am usually pretty good about seeing whats there and putting them in posts right away (or at least have a plan of when I'm going to put them in posts!). The dog pics tend to take a back-seat to other pictures though! I only have a couple today (I'm sure there are more that I haven't gone through yet). So, here is a mini dog overload!
Every since we've had Maggie, if you let her get super comfy and she falls into a deep sleep, she will usually start making "sucking" sounds. Every now and then she will do this with her tongue out!!! These two pictures were from Christmas time...don't mind my crazy hair and no makeup! ;-)
The flash almost woke her up.

Max loves the snow! His thick coat keeps him warm (unlike Maggie's!). If we would let him, he would spend hours out there frolicking and running with his frozen tennis ball!

For the most part, Max has really calmed down with her. He will let her cuddle almost any time she wants. When she does get on his nerves, he will quietly growl or walk away. It cracks me up to see him as the "old man" and this little feisty thing running circles around him! Don't get me wrong, he is still full of energy (he's only 4!!!), but compared to her, he is quite slow and mellow!
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TIP: If its a little windy on "recycle" day, check the weather to see if its going to get worse before putting recycling bins out. Even if you're only putting them out 30 minutes early... Especially if its negative ANYTHING (like negative 20 for example)! Picking up cans and boxes down the street is not especially fun before 8 am! Even worse if you'd rather be in bed!
1 comment:
OMG seriously, you had to pick up your recycling after it blew down the street that early? That would totally suck. Thanks for the note, I must remember this. We have had some crazy wind here. It might not be that cold but Im still not keen running after rubbish that has gone on its own mission.
The sucking thing sounds adorable that Maggie does. Such a sweet puppy she seems. And well Max, he's always been awesome. Im glad they have adjusted to eachother. One scare was one scare to many.
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