Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Year

According to Roby, that's what I can show for the day I had on Wednesday.

Tuesday night I went online and looked at my transcripts at the school I'm transferring to. I've had transcripts sent from two schools, and until then, none of the classes were showing up. As I checked off the classes that are required for the dental hygiene program, I noticed that my microbiology class wasn't there.

A class that I was told would transfer just fine by the first adviser I spoke with at that school.

First thing Wednesday morning, I called the school to talk with someone about this. I had to leave a message, and someone would call me back "within two hours." They called when I was at the kids' school having recess with Natalie before lunch. I spoke with two people in the transcripts area. They both told me that because Walla Walla CC runs on quarters and they run on semesters, it wouldn't give me enough credit hours (3.4 instead of 4). They didn't care what someone told me, I would have to take the class again.

I was planning on having lunch with Ethan too, but I was really upset...and trying really hard to not let Natalie see. I went home and reluctantly dropped one of the two photography classes I was going to take so I could get into a microbiology class. I figured it would still be ok...I'd just take it again. I like science, not a big deal.

Then my Grandma called. I was telling her about it...and suddenly realized that if I didn't have it done already, I couldn't even be considered for the program. All classes have to be done by January 31st. (I still feel bad that Gma got some of my freak out over the phone when I realized this.)

I would have to wait a year to even apply now. Because someone told me it was accepted, and it wasn't. I'd been working so hard to get good grades and get all my classes done in time. If I would have known, I would have taken it last quarter when I only had two other classes!

Lets just say, Grandma calmly encouraged me to go to the school and talk to someone about it.

I woke Roby up (crying) and left for the college at 4:15. Because of the weather and traffic I didn't get there until about 5.

There were only four advisers still there. But only a couple students needing help. When I told the first advisor what was going on (trying to hold back tears the whole time), she promptly picked up her phone and called another adviser in...informing me that she was new and wasn't sure what to do. We retold my dilemma, and the second adviser asked a couple questions before saying, "We're going to go talk to a few people...we'll be back as soon as we can."

25 minutes later she came back in the little room smiling. I couldn't tell if it was a smile of "we figured it out!" or "how are we going to tell her she has to wait another year?" The lump in my throat quickly left when she said, "I have good news for you!"

I was extremely lucky that I went in that evening. The first person I spoke with was still there (his last day before going on vacation for over a month). He actually remembered me and remembered saying that it would transfer. The two people in the transcripts area were still there, and they (of course--because I was a bit upset) remembered talking to me.

The verdict?

Because it is a prerequisite for a program, and not a class IN the program, it will be accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if they were bending the rules, but at this point I don't really care! I know having my application in is absolutely no guarantee of getting in the program...let alone an interview. But if I wouldn't have noticed it, or gone in...I would have had to wait until January 2010 to even apply.

(I was informed that last year they had 78 full applications--many people "applied" but didn't have half of the prerequisites done. They conducted 35 interviews. The most ever. And selected the top 18 to get in. Five others were told they were "alternates," and only one of those got in.)

I guess I'm ok with not taking one of the photography classes if it means that I can apply to the program!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

You lost the photography class but do not have to retake a class, maybe this is a winning situation after all. You may be able to take the photography class another time. At least I hope so.