There are times I forget to take my little camera with me or getting a camera will take too long. When I had lunch with Natalie on Wednesday, I walked over with just a few things in my pocket--my camera was not one of them. But I took a few pics of her with my phone 'cause she was so excited I was there! When I was sending those pics to my email, I sent a few others that I forgot I had taken.
Ethan cuddling with the dogs.

Natalie wanted to take a pic too!
(From the looks of her hair...this may have been on Thanksgiving...)

They had spaghetti that day...I was surprised she got that instead of "alternate."
(They offer an alternate meal that includes a pb&j, yogurt or string cheese, fruit, vegi, and treat.)

She is probably the only kid that walked away still clean.
OMG is that a styrofoam tray?! That is insane!
Yup they are styrofoam...
When they are done eating they all dump their milk in a bucket and put those containers in one place. Dump their food in a trash bin, put their forks/spoons in one bin and stack the styrofoam plates in front. I'm not sure why they use them...or if they reuse/recycle them in any way. I though about asking, but didn't have time that day. And that was the first time I'd eaten lunch there.
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