It got up to ten degrees today! (Before the windchill of course.) By Thursday it might get up to 30, and on Christmas we may get up to 35! We'll be wearing shorts and t-shirts for sure! ;-) It snowed from about 6am to 4pm today, so despite the cold, the kids just had to play in it! (I only let them stay out for about 20 minutes.)
Ethan spotted some rabbit tacks behind the tree.
Natalie on her way to check them out.
Natalie on her way to check them out.

1 comment:
Let them enjoy it now because by the end of winter (has it even started yet) they may not be feeling the love. Or is that just us adults?
Where is Maggie's sweater? With your vahayhay that close to the snow I would say cold is the nicest description of what she must be feeling. I think I would lose bladder control at some point.
Ethan drop kicked that HUGE snowball at Nat...why do I find that funny? Poor Nat, I hope it didnt piss her off. Big brothers can be such big asses sometimes. I say a white wash is in order for pay back, you and Max can team up. Go Nat, Go Max!
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