We have been through a lot in the last eleven years. We have also found that doing things backwards works for us! And I couldn't happier! To celebrate our day, I'm going to bore...I mean entertain you with a bunch of random pictures taken of US!!!
Our first formal dance just four months after he asked me out.

See, we do things backwards! It still amazes me how much we have accomplished together. I wouldn't change a thing!
Baby Ethan -- Feb. 1999

When Nat was eight weeks old, Roby left for the Air force basic training.
Roby and me, during his free time, at graduation.

The odds have been against us, and I am pleased to say that we are happy, in love, and stronger now than I ever thought possible. I feel so lucky to have found someone so perfect for me at such a young age.
So here's to the last eleven years, many more, our family...US!!!
Where do I begin...how about J and I were floored at the first couple pictures, I swear to GOD it looks like Natalie and Ethan! No joke man! I love the years of memories and photos, you have both changed so much. LOVE the gooby teen years and the much more mature adult years. You two rock and I cant wait to see one of these at your 50th anniversary! A very VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to a wonderful couple. Love you guys!
You made me cry! ALL the memories! I LOVE the pics! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You guys will always be my modern day Romeo & Juliet! (sans the dying young thing!!!) Miss you all!
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