The kids are reminding me in the morning that its time to do the countdown! This is probably a good thing, as I would most likely forget!
Max wanted to get in on the countdown action this morning!


Over the last three days I have wrapped all the kids' presents (believe me, they don't have
that much, but its a process--especially because I had to wash ALL their clothing gifts as we seem to have a mouse friend hiding out in the garage. EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!). I'm not one of those parents that can wait until the night before Christmas! I want to get it done so I can sleep Christmas Eve! And if I wrap them, where the heck will I put them where they won't get ruined??? Anyway, as I started wrapping I grabbed a big roll that I had just used once or twice last year. That roll lasted through ALL of the presents this year! There is even some left! So, all our presents match...unintentionally!
The kids were of course thrilled to see all the presents under the tree! They are awesome about it and don't even ask to shake, move, or peek at them! They will get one gift on Christmas Eve, just like every year, and it will be the same type of gift they get every year!
Less than three weeks to go, hope everyone else is feeling in the spirit and ready for it all!
1 comment:
I havent started wrapping presents but it shouldnt take me much time at all. The boys will get their matching PJs as usual on Christmas Eve as well. Its amazing how quickly Christmas comes every year and how prepared I actually am this time. Amazing I tell you!
Nat and her tongue crack me up. It takes a lot of concentration to pick the right ornament and put it in just the right spot.
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