Saturday, December 06, 2008

19 Days To Go

I've been having some issues with my flash...not exactly sure what. I messed around with it after I took these pictures and it seems to be working fine now. When I took these pictures I had the flash off, that's why they are a little blurry today...either that or I really need to take that photography class in January!!! ;-)

Very excited to see the snowflake moving further and further towards the "1"!!!

I love it when he smiles!

* * * * * * * * * *

I always start Christmas shopping extremely early...usually in the summer! This year I knew that I would have to get the kids a bunch of clothes. Not as fun as toys, but something they both really really need. And they are just going to have to appreciate it! ;-) Because I start so early, I try really hard not buy much at regular price. The only clothes they got this year at full price are belts, socks, and undies (yes, I am that mean!). I am very proud of myself, and had to figure out how much I actually saved! I wrote down all the items I got on clearance or really good sales and here are the results:

Ethan's clothes actual price: $245.44
Ethan's clothes sale/clearance: $125.93

Natalie's clothes actual price: $261.45
Natalie's clothes sale/clearance: $135.82

Total savings: $255.33 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, this makes me very happy! Just some of the things I got where a dress for Natalie for $8, reg. $40. Jeans for Ethan for $15.75, reg. $31.50. Many shirts for under $5, pj's at half price...etc etc.

If I can save this much money shopping wisely, I really don't understand all the hype of "Black Friday" shopping!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

I am a bit intmidated by "black friday" because people seem to loss their freaking minds. I will stay home and chill or shop online.

The kids look so happy! Keep those numbers moving down.