It has gotten cold here. FAST!
A few weeks ago when I was getting some clothes on clearance for the kids (fabulous xmas gifts!!!), I picked up a sherpa lined "jacket" for Maggie. If the temperature is under, say, 40...she shakes and shivers every time I take her out! I've only put it on her a few times. And she really doesn't seem to mind! I guess that's the pug in her!

As everything that belongs to Max is better than what belongs to her...water is just another things she "steals" from him! (Notice her water dish right next to his? And it's full!)

OMG that is so freaking adorable. The look on her face and how stretched she is to reach that water bowl. Too darn funny. She is cute...
That is an awesome pic of her! You should look and see if there are any cute dog pic contests going on cause i bet that one would win! : ) We have been working on catching Pippen on video. He hates our vacuum and every time I run it, he tries to attack it...even tries to bite it! It's hilarious! If we get a good video, hope to send it in to AFV...maybe he can earn his keep!
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