Sunday, August 17, 2008

Air Show -- The Pictures

Yesterday we went to the Air Show that was held at Offutt. They didn't have a set schedule, so we left the house a little after noon to see what was going on. As we were walking from the car to the sectioned off area, we saw Roby's favorite (and much missed) jet, the A-10. It was doing rolls, loops, and all kinds of stuff I had never seen the A-10's do at our last base!!! ;-) Airplanes were flying the whole time we were there. We walked around to see all the planes on display, ate lunch, and sat in the grass to watch. We left at the end of the Thunderbird's show at almost 5. (Even with using sunscreen, my white skin got a bit of a burn!) This was the first time the kids had seen an air show, and the first time I'd been to one since I lived in California (almost 20 years ago! Ok, that makes me feel old!).

When we first got there we saw this airplane starting up and getting ready to do its "routine."

I was a bit surprised at the wind the propellers produced!

Seeing what else there was to see.

Ethan had tons of questions, and Roby was able to answer most of them!

Looking inside a helicopter.

It was so nice when a could would cover the sun for a bit. It was well over 90 degrees, and the constant sun made it feel so much hotter!

He was having a blast!


When some of them would fly by they would set off explosions. I didn't get any on camera, but you can see some of the smoke from this pic and the videos.

Trying to keep some of the sun out of his eyes.

An A-10 Air Force monster tuck!

The OCC Air Force motorcycle.

Eating lunch, waiting for the Thunderbird's to start.
(Just as a warning, take your own food unless you want to pay $3 for a corn dog or nachos!!! Not to mention $2.50 for a drink of any kind! Ugh, oh well.)

He's number 1!

Thats why I love him!

A-10 doing a roll.

Watch out!


He was giggling! Nat was looking at us like we were crazy!

Trying to be was sooo hot!

This is what I get when I take a picture of him!

Hello again A-10.

Sitting in a C-17

Ethan was thrilled to go up on the flight deck...Natalie, not so much! She didn't want to go unless I went with her, so I did. She was ok until she looked back down the stairs! She started balling, and Roby had to grab her from half way down. Some people looked at us like we were evil, those with kids just smile knowingly.
It was a great day! I was surprised at how much they had to see!!! I think we all very much enjoyed watching the different airplanes flying...but wished it wasn't quite so hot! Then again, it was much better than rain!

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