I wont rehash Nat's surgery, 'cause I'm sure anyone that reads this regularly is bored to tears with hearing about it. I'm a mom and it was my babies first time having surgery...sorry!!! ;-) Anyway, I have to post pictures regardless, so here they are!
Before being taken into her room.
(It was very early!)
(It was very early!)

She got to wear some cute hospital jammies and fun socks with "stuck stuff" on the bottom (like toddler socks).

Not only were nurses coming in and out, but a guy came in and explained all kinds of things to Natalie. He showed her what the tubes would look like in her ears, and most importantly showed her the IV. She was not thrilled. To help her with her anxiety about it, he let her choose the wrap for her hand...and gave her a piece. (After the surgery, she kept trying to pull the IV out. They had to put a splint on her hand to prevent her from doing it!)

I just had to take a video of her when the medicine started kicking in. Even from the beginning of the video to the end, you can see how she was starting to get a little slower with her responses.
After the surgery. I had to sit on the bed with her, and she was still freaking out.

Morphine was a good thing that day. It let he sleep the anesthesia off. (She also didn't like the oxygen/heart rate thing that they put on her thumb, so the nurse put one on that looked more like a glowing bandaid.)
I love this picture, although it breaks my heart!
I'm glad the rock is out and that Nat recovered so quickly but damn if that video didn't make me cry like a freaking baby. The picture of Nat in the play room is making me smile though, in a sadistic "as if a play room is toucher" kind of way. Silly girl she must have felt like total crap.
Poor girl...I'm glad its over and things are fine now.
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