I haven't gotten as far along with posting pictures as I thought I would...it will come slowly. So, I'll do a little family update, then keep adding pictures as I can.
First of all, Natalie has been great since her surgery. Besides the whole vomiting after the anesthesia (and in my opinion no food in her stomach for so long) and a little sore throat, no side effects! We have all had a little bit of a cold, so I can't say if the consistent cough is still there or if its due to the cold. And although her selective hearing is still in full swing, she does seem to be able to hear much better overall. I think getting that half inch long "pebble" has helped a little too! ;-)
She pulled her first tooth out yesterday! She wanted to do it the first time with no help, and she finally did! She was so excited this morning when she found that the Tooth Fairy had come and left her a dollar and small gift! It's so fun to watch the kids' excitement, yet so sad to see how quickly they grow!
Ethan's been doing great. He had a good time at summer school. He was taken aside to a class every day to help with his reading. We really need stay focused with that over the summer. The last couple days he's been writing a summer story. He came up with this on his own, and I think its great that he's using his imagination, writing skills, and reading also (he's read it to us all several times already). Other than that, he's his typical big brother, nine-year-old self!
Roby was on leave last week and this week. It has been a much needed (and deserved!) break for him! He's been able to work on his motorcycle, hang out with me and the kids, and just relax. It has also helped me out a ton! I was able to go to a dental office and observe a hygienist two days last week and for a couple hours this week (this is a requirement to apply to the Dental Hygiene program at IWCC).
Not only that, but we are finally going to the zoo tomorrow!!! For some of you, you may remember that last year Natalie's preschool class went to a zoo in Germany...but because two girls went to school the previous day with pink eye, and Natalie got it, she wasn't able to go. Then we were going to take her when we were in the Seattle area last summer, but didn't end up having enough time. So, finally, we will be taking her to a zoo! I'm excited, as its ranked number two or three in the nation. I'm sure there will, eventually, be pictures to share!
Other than me starting my second quarter of A&P last week, that's about all...at least that I can think of right now. I'm going to try and post a few more pics tonight, but I have a test on Monday that I'm extremely nervous about...so it may be a while before I post again.
First of all, Natalie has been great since her surgery. Besides the whole vomiting after the anesthesia (and in my opinion no food in her stomach for so long) and a little sore throat, no side effects! We have all had a little bit of a cold, so I can't say if the consistent cough is still there or if its due to the cold. And although her selective hearing is still in full swing, she does seem to be able to hear much better overall. I think getting that half inch long "pebble" has helped a little too! ;-)
She pulled her first tooth out yesterday! She wanted to do it the first time with no help, and she finally did! She was so excited this morning when she found that the Tooth Fairy had come and left her a dollar and small gift! It's so fun to watch the kids' excitement, yet so sad to see how quickly they grow!
Ethan's been doing great. He had a good time at summer school. He was taken aside to a class every day to help with his reading. We really need stay focused with that over the summer. The last couple days he's been writing a summer story. He came up with this on his own, and I think its great that he's using his imagination, writing skills, and reading also (he's read it to us all several times already). Other than that, he's his typical big brother, nine-year-old self!
Roby was on leave last week and this week. It has been a much needed (and deserved!) break for him! He's been able to work on his motorcycle, hang out with me and the kids, and just relax. It has also helped me out a ton! I was able to go to a dental office and observe a hygienist two days last week and for a couple hours this week (this is a requirement to apply to the Dental Hygiene program at IWCC).
Not only that, but we are finally going to the zoo tomorrow!!! For some of you, you may remember that last year Natalie's preschool class went to a zoo in Germany...but because two girls went to school the previous day with pink eye, and Natalie got it, she wasn't able to go. Then we were going to take her when we were in the Seattle area last summer, but didn't end up having enough time. So, finally, we will be taking her to a zoo! I'm excited, as its ranked number two or three in the nation. I'm sure there will, eventually, be pictures to share!
Other than me starting my second quarter of A&P last week, that's about all...at least that I can think of right now. I'm going to try and post a few more pics tonight, but I have a test on Monday that I'm extremely nervous about...so it may be a while before I post again.
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This year was the first time since 1913 that Easter was the same day as my birthday! It wont happen again for another two hundred years or so. We had a very nice day, besides the rainy weather (which I like, but is not good for Easter egg hunting). We had already planned on having the hunt with our neighbor and her daughter...and because of the weather, we ended up having it in her house. Untraditional I know, but the kids had a great time!
The kids not long after they got up, excited to see what was in their Easter baskets.

If you look closely they have those magnetic toys that roll back and forth on the metal when you raise or lower your hand. Those were always so pointless and fun!!! Roby and I took over "breaking them in" for a while!

At our neighbors house, doing the hunt. I was impressed with how many eggs we were able to hide in just the living room and kitchen!

Watching tv while the kids opened their eggs. You can tell he was enjoying himself, right?! hee hee
1 comment:
Again Liss the movies absolutely hilarious!!!! I miss you guys oh so much!!!
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