Thursday, May 01, 2008

Another Four

Roby is reenlisting today. He doesn't think it's a big deal and sees the AF as his job. In many ways I agree and like that outlook. (It lets work stay at work.) But it is a big commitment to a job and his family. He has been supporting us for the last six years because of this job and it has made our family what it is. We were able to get out of Walla Walla so we could make it on our own, we have traveled a lot more than most people our age, and I wouldn't change a thing! I am extremely grateful for all of his sacrifices. He is reenlisting for another 4, after that we'll see where we are. Maybe he'll go all the way to 20 years and get that retirement check. Or, he could be a stay-at-home dad for a while...because I should be done with school by then! ;-)


3HappyHippies said...

Thats pretty exciting. Any celebration or ceremony involved? Are you going to take pictures? Congratulations!

REENblack said...

Nope, he just went and did it. Maybe next time...

Tasmomma said...

I understand that pride in what he's doing. I feel grateful beyond words for what Brandon has done for our family. Without his commitment, we would be a struggling family with both of us having worked from day one. I love that it has been possible for me to be home with our boys and be there for them in ways so many parents wish they could.

Patty said...

Good morning, haven't been around for a while. Hope everything has been going ok with you and the family. Good luck to your husband for signing up for another four years. Hope he stays close to home. Thanks for your visit.