Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Trying To Get It Done

I have pictures of Ethan's birthday party and actual birthday that I am trying to get ready to post. I don't know yet if having Photoshop Elements is a good thing or not! Now I want to edit and fix every picture I think about posting! :-)

I had yesterday off, but am working the rest of the week, so I'm not sure when I'll actually get to finish them...hopefully soon!!! Sorry for the delay!

Ethan had a great birthday!!! Thank you to everyone who thought of him, sent him cards, e-cards, or gifts! He was excited about every single one of them!

At the very least, no one is throwing up anymore...three weeks of it was plenty thank-you-very-much!!!

Roby has this week off work because he worked the last month or so pretty much nonstop, and when he wasn't working he was on call.

Oh, did I mention that school was closed for the kids today because the wind-chill was negative 25???!!! I had never heard of school closures because of the cold!!! I completely agree though, all those kids that stand waiting for the bus would get frostbite pretty darn quick!

P.S. I didn't know school was closed until I got Natalie half way to school and another mom that didn't know either pulled over and told me. I had to go to the other side of the school to try and get Ethan to let him know he needed to come home. He was upset because he was so cold and thought he was late...thus locked out of the school. We were all freezing by the time we got back, and we were outside less than 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Tasmomma said...

Wow...I remember days like that from when we lived in South Dakota. I so don't miss them. I do miss the very good reason to stay in and cozy up to hot chocolate, though. :(