Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Every Little Bit Counts

This weekend Natalie told me about a bucket her teacher put in the classroom. This bucket is for any change the kids can bring in to help a little girl in need. She told me that this little girl is really sick inside her body and has to go to the doctor a lot. The money they bring in will help her parents pay for her doctors. I thought it was really sweet how concerned Nat was about this little girl. Although not much, I emptied our "Christmas Fund" jar into a baggy and sent it to school with her. She was beyond excited and couldn't wait to empty it in the bucket.

There are situations like this all the time and all over the country...and we can't help many of them. But I'm glad she can feel good about helping at least one.


3HappyHippies said...

That is beyond awesome and a very good life lesson.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to teach our kids.