Friday, January 25, 2008

Play Time

Ethan and Natalie can bicker quite a bit, but for the most part they really do get along and play nice. Last week after school they were playing dress up and had a big story going about what they were doing. At one point they were spies or something. Then later Natalie put Ethan's Batman Halloween costume on. They were cracking me up that day!!!

I love how serious Ethan looks and Natalie's pose with her red toenail polish!!!

They thought this was hilarious!!! I was dying when I saw her! There is just something about Batman with pigtails! I can't get over it!!!


Anonymous said...

These are prized photos and one day will make them both smile. And you too.

3HappyHippies said...

I love these pictures and the fact they have thier bonding moments. As for batman with pigtails, OMG that is just hilarious. I may have lost bladder control that day.

Anonymous said...

how adorable, I love it when kids dress up and use their imagination. It's also great to show to their significant others when they get older.