Monday, December 03, 2007

Ten Years And Counting

Seven married/ten together, but who's counting? Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes! To thank you (kinda!) here is a pic of us on our date Saturday!


mrsthoe said...

How cute are the two of you! I miss you guys! Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I will call and bug you soon. Tam

3HappyHippies said...

You guys are HOT!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous. I like the picture and the 10 years together. Patty, and I, we were young once too and now we are old, older really, and have been married over 52 years.

By the way, I really like your dog and spelled backwards of course might explain why lots of people like them.

Tasmomma said...

Happy Anniversary! 10 years seems so long, doesn't it? We just hit the dating for 10 years mark about a month ago. Nuts, huh???

Slyfam said...

CONGRATS!! To see my friends still marrie and happy to still be with each other is a terrific milestone especially this day and age. I wish you all many more!

Anonymous said...

Way to go GUYS:) Shew!!! ONLY 50+ more to GO!!!! :)