After school yesterday Ethan asked me what "the butterflies" are. I had to ask him to clarify a bit, and we finally came to the conclusion that he was a nervous for his program, "A Holiday Spectacular!" The concert wasn't until later that evening, so he had time to relax and play before getting nervous again before we left.
Getting ready to sing.
We were having a hard time taking pictures that didn't end up extremely blurry...I either should have taken my longer lens or need to learn how to use the different settings on my camera.
I LOVED watching Ethan actually do the moves to the songs! Last year he wasn't nearly as into it as he was this year!!!
Below are clips of 8 out of the 11 songs they sang last night. I was seriously impress that they did hand gestures to most of the songs and how well they all seemed to know the words!! I guess that's what having music two to three times a week will do in comparison to just once or twice at their last school (although there are many things about their old school that I miss!!!).
**Just as a warning, for those of you who are not close family or friends, the rest of this post may be extremely boring...but I find it absolutely adorable!!!**
"North Pole, North Pole"
"I Saw Three Ships"
"For The Winter"
"A Nice, Nice Christmas"
"A Song Of Peace"
"Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town"
"Feliz Navidad"
"Deck The Halls"
Am I a dork if that made me teary eyed. Ethan rocks! I seriously miss him.
Great Christmas program. I hope his butterflies are all gone now and he can relax.
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