Our Thanksgiving this year was quite simple. It was nice in many ways! We wore our pj's most of the day and didn't have any odd requests for food! No time line was required and nothing was demanded! I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would! I got a bigger turkey than we needed, but leftovers are grand I am finding!!!
Natalie wanted to help get it ready for the oven this year! I was impressed with her willingness to do this!!! I am in love with this picture! This is her looking at the turkey after I told her what we would be doing with the chopped up vege's. After a few failed attempts, she stuffed all the yummy stuff in for me!
After the turkey was starting to smell scrumptious in the oven, Nat got out her drawing stuff. She started with a picture of a turkey...then me as an Indian. I suggested that she make place cards for all of us to have at the table for dinner. She couldn't have been happier!!!
I hope everyone else had a great day!!!
The turkey and everything else looks delicious. Tell your daughter she did a wonderful job on the name cards. I put what little turkey was left over into the freezer last evening. We've been eating a little each day, plus two daughters took some home with them. Sounds like my kind of day, I love to be in my nightgown somedays, all day, but oldmanlincoln doesn't like me to do that very often. But it's nice once in a while to not have to rush arodun getting dressed and making sure the hair is just so and a little make-up on. Glad you and your family had a great day.
These are great pictures and the place cards totally rock. OMG Nat put her hand in a turkey butt, even I havent done that. She's my hero!
I don't see any corn?!?!?! :)
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