I won't bore you with most of these things, but I have to share a few.
Like this one.
I'm not exactly sure when we had Ethan do this...at least two years ago. I do remember it quite vividly! This was not the only page he had to write this on. There were at least three like it! I believe we even made him do a page over because we could not read his writing. We are mean mean parents!! ;-)
As I sort through them I'm sure I will have more to share, and hopefully I will keep this up instead of spending hours at it again like today!
how cute!! I know I'm a mean parent. S doesn't even think I'm cool!! Wait until she starts dating. Daddy wan't look so cool then!! I am so much like you not being able to throw the kids work away. I ahve a plastic tub taht I have pres- School through K in for S. I'm trying to condense!!
tag you're it!! go to my blog to see waht' i'm talking about. thank you steph!
We got stacks of stuff our five kids did. And like you we saved it and then at some point we boxed it up and gave it to the kids. The oldest is 51 so who knows where it went.
It is clever to photograph the stuff as those photos should last a lot longer than paper.
When are kids each left home, I gave them their boxes with papers and different things I had collected and saved for each of them. I doubt they have them anymore. But I had fives boxes of things, and thought they should each have their own.
LOL spit inside, are you serious? I could try to implement the sentence thing again as it didnt work so well last year. I hated writing sentences!
Oh believe me, this was when he was in kinder or first grade...LONG time ago. He for sure knows better now!!!
That's so awesome!!! I was never made to do the sentences (cause I'm the baby) but I remember my sister having to do it....we have also made T do it a time or two since he has learned to write. NOT his choice form of punishment....Lol
hee hee. :)
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