Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Apache Projects

Ethan's class worked for about a month on Native American projects. He would come home telling me all kinds of things he was learning about the Apache tribe. They did several things including research in the library and computer lab, made posters, and read books in class. Today he came home with a note telling us to check out their PowerPoint presentations! I knew they'd been working the computer lab, but I had no idea they were doing a full fledge PowerPoint presentation! In THIRD grade!!! He will be able to show me how to use the computer in no time, it will be grand!!!

(To see his presentation you have to have PowerPoint on your computer.)


3HappyHippies said...

Holy mother! Are you serious? Ethan made that presentation? He just totally whooped my butt at computer skills! Ethan you rock!

Leann I Am said...

That was awesome! They are having kids do the most amazing things! I don't even know how to do a powerpoint presentation!!!