While in town, we had to spend time with Nick and Cristal. They suggested we head out to the river for the day. We loaded up the kids, dog, and lots of food and had a great day relaxing and playing in the water.
Here is Kayley petting Max, she loved him!
Roby and Nick decided that they should go cliff jumping...the kids all seemed very concerned about this...
Here is Kayley petting Max, she loved him!
Kayley didn't mind one way or the other, as long as she had a furry friend to pet. I think Max enjoyed all the attention too!
Before they jumped the kids counted down from ten over and over until they finally went! It was really funny!!! They only jumped once...it hurt a lot more than they remembered!!! haha
Natalie found some seed pods that she'd never seen before and started collecting and shaking them. Nicks mom helped show her what was inside of them! Lets just say she had many of those seeds in her pockets by the time we got home!
There is no way in hell I would have jumped off that cliff, those are some brave guys. I have to laugh at the fact it hurt more than they remember, as children we are oblivious to pain (most of the time).
You in a bikini/swimming suit, woo hoo. Thats one hot momma. You go girl.
That was a fun day!! I say next time we jump....yeah right!! You know Roby and Nick when ever they get together something stupid is bound to happen...that it was cliff jumping. The kids had so much fun together Camrin was talking about his cousin Eftan and Natlie for days after the river. Hopefully we can do it again soon. By the way HORRIBLE pic of me!!!
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