Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Drive

I only took a few pictures of our drive from Washington to was a really long drive!!! The kids did awesome, and seemed to find ways to entertain themselves for the most part!

Watching a movie.

Playing games.

Actual haystacks...I'd never seen them before.

One of our first glimpses of CORN!

Sleep is always a good way to pass some time.


Natalie took quite a few pictures at the beach, in Walla Walla, and on our drive. When I went to look at them, and put them on the computer the other day the memory card was empty. I have no idea what she did, but all her pics were gone. Oh well, she's already been taking many more!
Nat dancing!!!


Tasmomma said...

What a silly girl! Watch out world!!! Natalie's comin with some moves!!!
Trevor has a small digital camera that has pulled the same issue. It doesn't like to keep the pics for any length of time.

3HappyHippies said...

OMG stock the insanity! One, that induced much hacking by both J and I (refer to current blog entry). Two, if it wasnt for the fact I peed about 15 minutes ago I may have just totally pissed in this chair. Nat ROCKS!